With the introduction of the web we have been introduced to online shopping ... and by all accounts the experience gets worse and worse as time goes on! These days you can't tell the well-established, reputable online stores from the 15 year old reselling from his bedroom. So, here is a list of top high street, and other long-established retailers, whose names you should all already know and have huge online shopping ranges - you may still not get the 100% service you are looking for but at least they have someone on the end of the telephone you can yell at if things go wrong:
7 Day Shop: The name of this site (www.7dayshop.com) no doubt states the obvious without telling you what it's really about. Online shops, barring unforeseen downtime, are invariably open not only seven days a week but also 24 h...
7 Day Shop Reviews >>
Abe Books: One of the many quirks of the electronic age, like the so-called 'paperless office' where better and faster printing is available, is that the internet has made book buying easier rather than rendering books obsolete...
Abe Books Reviews >>
Additions Direct: Although mainly know as a fashion clothing catalogue, like many home shopping services they have expanded to cover a huge range of extra products including everything from garden furniture to iPods. Their range is ac...
Additions Direct Reviews >>
Argos: "Don't shop for it, Argos it!" Whilst we doubt that people will ever start saying the latter over the former - according to Argos themselves two thirds of the population have an Argos shopping catalogue in their home...
Argos Reviews >>
BBC Shop: The website (www.bbcshop.com) reckons to have 3,500 products available, which can be delivered to all European countries. You can buy them directly through the website, by mail to a PO Box number in Sittingbourne or ...
BBC Shop Reviews >>
Borders: A bookshop? "Wrong kind of geek!" -- I hear you scream. Well, like most companies looking to stay in business, they've branched out. Right next to Jackie Collins is the BFG GeForce GTS 250 1GB DDR3 ... well, not righ...
Borders Reviews >>
Gamestation: If you're a dedicated gamer, this website obviously worth a look. In fact, the company reckons it's the UK's fastest growing retailer of video and computer games.
The site offers a huge range of games of a...
Gamestation Reviews >>
HiFiBitz: The site www.hifibitz.co.uk is so called because it supplies bits (or bitz if you're looking to be trendy) for hi-fi systems. And they do like their Zs - there's a 'Best BitZ' section with articles and other items of...
HiFiBitz Reviews >>
Kelkoo: With a name that apparently derives from the French "Quel cout?" ("At what price?") or "Quel coup" ("What a bargain"), Kelkoo is the biggest e-commerce advertising platform in the UK and Europe. As an e-commerce webs...
Kelkoo Reviews >>
Pitney Bowes: A firm that started over 80 years ago and was known as the postage meter company might not seem like one to offer technology products. However, the postal market has changed beyond recognition in recent years and Pit...
Pitney Bowes Reviews >>
PriceMinister: Although relatively new to the UK, having launched its UK site at the end of 2008, PriceMinister has enjoyed phenomenal growth in its native France.
Having started in 2001 in the cultural goods market, the...
PriceMinister Reviews >>
Sky TV: If you want the biggest possible range of television channels, a Sky satellite dish installation sticking out your wall is pretty much a necessity. Add to this the availability of broadband and a telephone service an...
Sky TV Reviews >>
Tesco Direct: Although known mainly as a supermarket chain, Tesco is heading for world domination as it moves into insurance, finance, travel and a host of other diverse activities. Its website (www.tesco.com) has groceries, wines...
Tesco Direct Reviews >>